Our Diana Stalder Facial Treatment in the New Normal
We received inquiries about how it feels like visiting a spa or wellness center in pandemic. In this post, we will be sharing our safe spa experience in the new normal at Diana Stalder.

About a week ago, we went to Diana Stalder in Gateway for the much needed facial treatment. We arrived during the opening hours since we wanted to be their first customers and finished the treatment as early as possible.

First thing we did is to scan the QR code for the contact tracing form. Our body temperature were taken as well. We wore our face masks and shields all the time except when taking photos and of course, during the treatment.
We’ve been to Diana Stalder (formerly Dermaline) even before the pandemic so we’re used to having facial treatments and body massage here. Diana Stalder is known for their line-up of quality skin care products and specialized treatment. Our favorites are the Dermaline and Diana Stalder products like soap, moisturizer and anti-aging products.

Diana Stalder offers a wide range of facial treatments. You may choose from anti-aging, brightening, or treatment that addresses a specific skin problem. That day, we had the Diana Stalder Dermafusion Green Tea with Feathering Treatment (derma lifting). It’s a non-invasive procedure which removes free radicals that age the skin and gives a more youthful and refined skin while preventing future DNA and UV skin damage.

The facial treatment started with skin cleansing to remove makeup and dirt followed by facial scrub. It was relaxing and rejuvenating, the green tea smells great too. At the last part of the treatment, the therapist uses a special wand to stimulate collagen production. It’s non-invasive, not painful either but we felt a little tingling on the face. The procedure is called Dermafusion Green Tea with Feathering Treatment (derma lifting). The treatment lasted about two hours.

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